Components of a cleaning kit
Anyone who owns a gun should have some basic cleaning supplies. The parts that I consider essential are:
Cleaning rod with patch holders
One with screw on rod sections
will allow you to use the same rods for your handguns and long guns.
Cotton patches
Used to run down the bore, etc.
Need different sized patches for different caliber firearms.
Bristle brushes
Used for the chamber and bore.
One for each caliber.
A stiff toothbrush
For those hard to reach places
and stubborn deposits.
Bore solvent
You'll use this a lot, on patches
and brushes.
To keep your guns running
smoothly, moving parts should be lubricated.
Rust protectant
Primarily used on the exterior of
the firearm.
Note that these days, you can buy a single product to do all the jobs of a solvent, lubricant, and rust protectant. I like and use Break-Free CLP for this purpose.
A kit such as the following, by Kleen Bore, can get you started. I like to add Break-Free CLP and Tetra Gun Grease to the mix.
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